If you are considering the purchase of a
custom closet organization system for your master bedroom, you are probably thinking first and foremost about how nice it will be to have a place for everything. While this is an excellent benefit to having a
custom closet
installed, it’s actually not the only one. You might be surprised to learn that a good closet system is actually an investment in your home? How can it pay off financially? Here are three of the ways.
When you can’t see what’s in your closet, it’s difficult to put outfits together. This type of disorganization is also what leads to buying six black sweaters or a blouse that matches nothing you already own; it’s easy to forget what you have when you are out shopping, and once you get home, you might not even realize the duplication until it’s too late to make a return.
Having all of your items hanging neatly where you can see them allows you to make smarter choices when you are shopping for additional items. Instead of guessing, you will know for sure what you own and can make better shopping lists for supplementing your wardrobe.
If your not so custom closet is currently crammed full of clothing items that are pressed up against each other, it’s easy to snag a sweater or pop off a button. Further, clothes are likely being ironed and re-ironed (after all, they’re not staying wrinkle-free in a messy closet!), which can reduce their lifespans. You might also have shoes littering the closet floor, getting stepped on and wedged in corners. Also, if you keep jewelry in your closet, it might be tangled or knotted from crowded conditions due to a lack of space.
These conditions are not good for your clothes. You might notice that you’re having to repair and replace items far more frequently than you should be. Having a well-organized closet system can allow your clothes to breathe. It will keep your shoes, jewelry and other accessories stored properly to avoid damage. This will save you money in the long run.
One of the most lucrative ways your custom closet can pay off is that it can actually add value to your home. Like most home improvement projects, a professionally designed and installed closet organization system can attract buyers and cause them to bid more favorably than they might otherwise. In fact, our friends at Space Envy recently published a post "5 Great Ways a Custom Closet Designer Will Make Your Life Easier." All things being equal, your custom closet system can give your home an edge when it’s time to put it on the market.
Whether or not you’re planning on selling in the near future, this is definitely something to keep in mind as you decide which investments and improvements are worth making in your home.
If you are ready to pursue a closet organization system installation, click this link and set up a FREE In-Home consultation. We will design and build you a closet or other storage area that will meet your needs now and in the years to come.