Upon opening your
kitchen pantry, are you greeted by orderly dry, canned and jarred goods, lined up and ready for you to take your pick of what you need? If this sounds like an impossible dream, think again! By implementing just a few simple solutions, you can have a well-organized kitchen pantry that resembles one you would see on television... as an “after” picture, not a “before.”
When organizing your kitchen pantry, it’s best to consider a pyramid. Put the heaviest items on the floor and the bottom shelf, then work your way up so the lightest items are overhead. This makes sense for two reasons: First, if anything falls, it will, hopefully, be a package of napkins or, at worst, a box of cereal, and not a jar of marinara sauce! Secondly, having a system will help you find things when you need them. You won’t need to rummage around on the bottom shelves when you’re looking for a box of pasta, since it’s light and should be placed more toward the top.
Particularly if your pantry is deep, it can be difficult to access every corner. This can lead to pushing food items that you don’t use frequently into the back recesses, where they can expire and will end up needing to be thrown out. Using some movable storage options, like pull-out shelves or a lazy Susan, allows you to not only see what’s hiding back there, but also reach it easily without any calisthenics.
Do you have small items that look unkempt and get lost easily. If you are keeping spices, seasonings, muffin mixes and other smaller food items in your pantry, try corralling them into a pretty basket or some cool-looking bins. The pantry will look a whole lot neater, and you’ll be able to rummage through the container by putting the basket on the kitchen table or counter, rather than trying to see what you have inside of your pantry.
One of the biggest frustrations that come with a disorganized pantry is the need to throw away expired items. Save time and money by looking through your pantry and planning meals that incorporate some of your older items. Place these older items toward the front so you’re not continually skipping them and opening newer boxes instead. As a bonus, you’ll likely find that your dinnertime hour gets a lot less hectic when you know in advance what you will be cooking and serving!
Getting your kitchen pantry under control can allow you to relax after work instead of stressing out about mealtime. You’ll also likely save money as you use up what you have in your pantry!
If you need organizers and other tools for keeping your pantry clutter monster tamed, contact your custom closet company to set you up with a custom-built pantry organization system. If you are in the Connecticut area call us to set up a free consultation with one of our professional organizers today.