Preparation List:
• A box of large garbage bags
• As many cardboard boxes as you can get ahold of
• A few laundry baskets
• A permanent marker
• Some gardening or work gloves for everyone in your party
Make sure to be wearing strong shoes and comfy clothes the day of.
Step 1
Give every person in your group a couple of cardboard boxes, a laundry basket, and a bag. This is the foundation of your custom garage organization system.
Label the boxes per goal. So you should have boxes labeled, DONATE, SELL, and maybe one labeled, THE MAYBES. Each person should have there own section to start with.
Step 2
Get each item into the appropriate spot! Start with the garage cabinets, so that later when you down on space you can begin to re-organize as you go.
Step 3
Clear out all the bags and bins that are necessary.
Keep designated areas for the different purposes, you don't want to accidentally throw out your rookie baseball card collection.
Step 4
Switch it up! It's very tedious work to sort through every last tool and decide whether or not to keep it, donate it, or sell it.
Make a game out of it, add some rewards, letting your kids choose what they want for lunch is a great way to motivate them.
Remember: There is a big difference between switching it up because you're getting anxious and just flat out procrastinating.
Step 5
Clean up!
Now is a great time to consider any necessary renovations, while you are sweeping up your floor, ponder how it would feel to have lasting epoxy garage flooring installed.
Some more garage organizational systems that we provide are, garage cabinets, garage accessories, workbenches and more.
Make sure to keep the productivity going and schedule that garage sale and donation trip for the following day or later that week. This is how great habits are formed.
In Conclusion
The process of, preparation, and then applying a systemized approach to your garage organization can actually be a fun family experience if done with the right attitude. It will spark up old memories and new stories to share with the kids. Not to mention you may end up selling some old junk for a quick profit.
If you are thinking about renovating your garage with any custom organization systems and are in the Thomaston, Connecticut are, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation.
Hang It Up Closets LLC
79 Brookside Rd #3,
Waterbury, CT 06708
Phone: 203-HANGITUP (203-426-4488)