When you make the decision to look into having
custom closets
installed in your home, chances are that price is a big consideration. The only way to get a definite price quote is to have your professional custom closet company come to your home for an in-person consultation (this is free), because everyone’s custom closet is different. Your lifestyle and the way that you dress and store your clothing is going to differ from someone else’s, so it makes sense that your custom closet will differ, as well. With that said, there are some components of a custom closet system that will apply to almost everyone. If you have approximately $2,000 to spend, here is a ballpark estimate of what you can expect to receive. This would be for a standard 6’x8’ walk-in closet:
Since the bulk of what you’ll be storing in your custom closet is clothing, you can expect to have plenty of rod space on which to hang it. These will be installed in a few different ways. You’ll have a long section to hold dresses, long jackets and other long items, and short sections to hold pants (folded over the hanger), blouses and dress shirts. The short sections will be double-hung, so some items will go on the top rack and others on the bottom rack. You can also have a medium-length section if you prefer to hang your pants the long way. The width of your clothing rods will vary depending on your needs.
The standard is four drawers, but you can have more in your closet if you need them; this would, of course, raise the cost. Drawers will hold your undergarments, socks, hosiery and other small items that you normally wouldn’t hang up.
Most closets will have space for his shoes and her shoes. If you have a lot of shoes or only a few pairs, this will be reflected in the amount of shoe rack space that you end up with.
You’ll have plenty of shelving space for sweaters, t-shirts and other folded items. You can also store out-of-season decorations and other household items; many clients like to store these out of the way on the very top shelf. Again, remember that everything is customizable and will depend on your needs. Your closet designer will talk to you about your options.
You might need a lot of accessories, or only a couple, and your pricing point will vary depending on what you choose. Some of our accessories include tie racks, jewelry trays, tie racks and a valet rod. You’ll be able to see all of the options when you have your consultation, and can choose what works best for you.
Remember that everything is customizable, and prices will vary depending on exactly what you want and need. A lot of thought and planning goes into creating a custom closet; our closets are not out of a box or pre-fabricated. Also, your walk-in closet’s dimensions may vary from the standard size, so this might raise the price.
When you have your free in-home consultation, your professional closet design expert will go through your options with you and will give you a customized price quote. You’ll also be able to see what you’ll be getting ahead of time with our special 3-D software program. This consultation is an excellent first step in determining whether custom closets are right for you.