Choose a period of time when you have a couple of hours free, and take everything out of your overstuffed closet. As you take out each item, decide whether it is something that you still need and also whether it belongs in that closet. Chances are, you will discover items that can be thrown away, recycled, brought to the thrift shop or stored elsewhere in your home. If you find a lot of these items, then this step might be enough to solve your storage situation! Either way, now it’s time to focus on the items that you want to keep in the closet in question.
Depending on the type of closet you are working with, this might range from hats to sweaters to folded sheets. Hang It Up Closets offers some great tips on getting your linen closet under control that might help if you are struggling with sheets and towels. If you are working with a tiny bedroom closet, your top shelf might be home to sweaters or children’s clothing that has yet to be grown into.
It’s best to create “zones” in your closet. Keep all of the cleaning supplies on one shelf (preferably a high one, if you have small children who might get into them!), and your extra bathroom tissue on another. Try to keep lighter items on the top shelves and heavier ones on the bottom if you can; this will help to prevent injury from a falling object hitting you in the head. It’s also easier to lift lighter items overhead to put them away.
Baskets, bins, boxes, hooks and racks are your friends when it comes to closet organization. A small closet can benefit from an over-the-door rack and shelf dividers to help keep things in order. Don’t be afraid to use a variety of bins to keep your small items grouped together without stress. Have a bunch of hair accessories or travel-size toiletries taking up room in your small closet? Toss them all in a cute basket and slide it onto one of the shelves. Easy peasy!
Hang It Up Closets LLC
79 Brookside Rd #3,
Waterbury, CT 06708
Phone: 203-HANGITUP (203-426-4488)